On Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, the picturesque village of Nemi nestled amidst the greenery of the Castelli Romani Park and overlooking the Lake Nemi will [more…]
Enjoy a movie every Wednesday through Sunday night at 9:15 pm from June 1st to July 14th, 2024. Cinema in Piazza (Cinema in the Square) [more…]
On Sunday, June 2, Republic Day and the first Sunday of the month, everyone has the opportunity to visit the Civic Museums of Rome and [more…]
The birth of the Italian Republic took place on June 2, 1946, following a universal suffrage referendum that introduced women into Italy’s political sphere. This [more…]
The ARF! Festival, dedicated to comics, celebrates its milestone tenth edition from May 24th to 26th, 2024, at the Pelanda del Mattatoio and the Città [more…]
The 107th Giro d’Italia commenced on May 4th from Venaria Reale, signaling the Grand Departure. As the race winds through 40 cities, each hosting one [more…]
On the occasion of Pentecost – fifty days after Easter – and to celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Virgin Mary and [more…]
Villa Medici is participating in the 14th edition of the European Night of Museums on Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM. [more…]
In sync with the Nuit Européenne Des Musées, the 14th edition of the “Notte dei Musei” (Night of the Museums) returns to Rome on Saturday, [more…]